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From a health perspective, we, at Glanadh, are concerned about the home and body care products available in shops today. Even the products that are labelled natural are questionable. (Do note that the term natural does not automatically equate to healthy or safe; substances such as lead and poisonous plants are natural.) For this reason we created a range of essential home and body products that are both free from preservatives and unnecessary additives and safe to use. What sets us apart from other companies is the quality of the ingredients we use: extra virgin olive oil from Spain, raw organic butters and oils shipped from the UK, herbs from Greece, and local raw honey and unprocessed beeswax to mention a few. The extra effort we put in to sourcing and using the highest quality ingredients is directly reflected in the effectivity of our products. We operate on a minimalist philosophy, believing that less is more, which is why we only offer products that are essential to everyday living and why we put the minimum amount of ingredients in each product.

Body Products

Rejuvenate and heal with our extensive range of preservative-free body products.

Cleaning Products

Take care of your health and choose safe kitchen and cleaning products.


Take a step towards clean healthy living independence with one of our on-site courses.

Have any questions? Contact us via phone, email or Facebook. We are always open to new projects, creative opportunities and we are especially interested in how we can help you.